The ALFM Peso Bond Fund is ideal for investors who are looking for a well-diversified fixed-income investment fund, which has been consistently providing superior risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long-term.

It was originally incorporated as Ayala Life Filipino Income Fund, Inc. on July 18, 1997 and was renamed to Ayala Life Fixed Income Fund, Inc. on August 21, 1998. The SEC approved the change to its present name of ALFM Peso Bond Fund, Inc. on February 26, 2007. Over the years, ALFM Peso has grown to become the market leader and the most popular mutual fund in the country.

The Fund is the only mutual fund in the country which gives a free group term life insurance coverage of PhP200,000.00* to each eligible primary individual investor.

*Investment should be at least PhP100,000.00

Investment Objective

The Fund aims to achieve a steady stream of income by investing in a diversified portfolio of Philippine Peso denominated high-grade fixed income instruments, such as but not limited to, government securities, corporate notes and bonds, and fixed income funds.


75% of the 91-day Philippine Treasury Bill (net of tax) + 25% of the BPI Philippine Government 1-5 Year Index

Investor TypeModerately Conservative
Fund TypeMedium Term Bond Fund
Base CurrencyPhilippine Peso
Launch DateJuly 18, 1997
Minimum Initial Investment/Maintaining BalancePHP 1,000 or equivalent amount of approximately one (1) share
Minimum Initial RSPPHP 1,000 or equivalent amount of approximately one (1) share
Minimum Transaction Amount/Minimum RSP AmountEquivalent amount of 1 share
Minimum Holding Period90 calendar days
Early Redemption Fee1% of the redemption amount
Management and Advisory Fee1.25% p.a.
Cut-off Time 02:00 PM
Contribution SettlementDay 1 End-of-Day
Redemption SettlementDay 1 End-of-Day